

13 Dezembro 2022, 14:00 João Lin Yun

Apresentação de trabalhos.


6 Dezembro 2022, 14:00 João Lin Yun

Apresentação de trabalhos pelos alunos.

Infrared data processing

6 Dezembro 2022, 11:00 Koraljka Muzic

What do we observe in the infrared? Why do we observe in the infrared? Atmospheric transmission. Specifics of the data reduction in the near and mid-infrared and comparison to what we learned in the optical. Examples: two star clusters (NGC 2244 and RCW 38), images taken in the K-band with HAWK-I/VLT; Galactic Center in the L-band (NACO/VLT). Strategies for sky subtraction; chopping and nodding.   


29 Novembro 2022, 14:00 João Lin Yun

Apresentação de trabalhos pelos alunos.


29 Novembro 2022, 11:00 Koraljka Muzic

The class consisted of two parts. The fist part: resolving problems related to photometry (zero-point, extinction coefficient versus airmass). Problems 4 and 9. Second part: practical tutorial on aperture photometry with Photutils/Python, using the J-band image of the cluster NGC 2244 and a standard star field. Calculation of the zero-point and comparison of the calibrated photometry to the one obtained from the 2MASS catalogue.