
Topic 2

10 Março 2022, 09:30 Ricardo Machado Trigo

What is the history of climate modeling?
What are the main physical laws incorporated in these models.
The role of parameterizations in models


8 Março 2022, 11:30 Ricardo Machado Trigo

The impact of Tambora eruption in the climate of Iberia, the world, etc
The impact of major volcanoes in the climate of the planet

Weather Types

3 Março 2022, 09:30 Ricardo Machado Trigo

Explaining the need to use Weather Types.
Development of CWTS for Iberia using the Lamb WTs approach.
Applications of CWTs to precipitation, Tmax, Tmin, Fires, upwelling, etc

Topic 1

24 Fevereiro 2022, 09:30 Ricardo Machado Trigo

Summary of most important Climate Change indicators according to the last IPCC reports


22 Fevereiro 2022, 11:30 Ricardo Machado Trigo

Programa e avaliaçao na cadeira.
Introduçao aos Relatorios do IPCC