
Work 1 & Topic 4

23 Março 2023, 09:30 Ricardo Machado Trigo

Presentation of Work 1 by Vanda Furtado.
Explanation of Blocking patterns and strong zonal flow in the euro-Atlantic region


21 Março 2023, 11:30 Ricardo Machado Trigo

Conferência da APMG

Work 1

16 Março 2023, 09:30 Ricardo Machado Trigo

Presentation of papers by Mariana Oliveira and André Lourenço:

Topic 3

14 Março 2023, 11:30 Ricardo Machado Trigo

Main methods to define and evaluate large-scale patterns  (correlation, PCAs)
The importance of NAO for European climate, hydrology, renewable energies, etc

Topic 2

9 Março 2023, 09:30 Ricardo Machado Trigo

Classes of Models.
Evolution of GCMs and Earth system Models over time.
The problem of attribution.