Project Support.
20 Dezembro 2016, 15:00 • João Marques Silva
This week's practical provided support to the project.
Reinforcement Learning.
20 Dezembro 2016, 13:00 • João Marques Silva
This week's lecture provided an overview of reinforcement learning as well as brief overviews of a number of topics in data mining. The first part of the lecture covered background material in reinforcement learning and outlined the Q-learning algorithm. An example was used to convey the operation of the algorithm. The second part of the lecture covered briefly two topics in data mining, namely recommender systems and text mining, highlighting key practical applications. The lecture also listed topics in ML&DM not covered in the course, and highlighted a number of research topics.
Project support.
13 Dezembro 2016, 15:00 • João Marques Silva
This week's practical provided support to the project.
Graphical Models
13 Dezembro 2016, 13:00 • João Marques Silva
This week's lecture studied graphical models (also known Bayesian networks). The first part of the lecture covered the syntax and semantics of Bayesian networks, and analyzed several examples were studied. A number of additional topics were studied, that include compact representation of conditional probability tables, and hybrid networks. The second part of the lecture covered inference in Bayesian networks. Exact inference was studied in detailed, including approaches based on model enumeration and variable elimination. Methods for approximate methods were briefly overviewed. The second part of the lecture also covered the proof that inference in Bayesian networks in NP-hard, by a reduction from the 3SAT problem.
Quiz 2
6 Dezembro 2016, 15:00 • João Marques Silva
This week's practical was the second quiz on the R programming language.