
Genetic Programming

6 Dezembro 2016, 13:00 João Marques Silva

This week's lecture was given by Dr. Sara Silva. The lecture provided an overview of Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming as the two main flavors of Evolutionary Algorithms. The lecture covered the foundations of these two topics, from the representation of the individuals and initialization of the population, to the evolutionary cycle of selecting the parents based on their fitness, breeding them with genetic operators and forming the new generation from the parent and offspring populations. A number of application examples were also illustrated, and a few demos were performed in run time.

Exercises on R

29 Novembro 2016, 15:00 João Marques Silva

This week's practical covered the demos of classifiers in R, and classifiers using the Naive Bayes classifier.

Probabilistic Models

29 Novembro 2016, 13:00 João Marques Silva

This week's lecture focused on probabilistic models. The first part of the lecture related uncertainty with probability, and with decision theory. This part of the lecture also covered basic definitions of probability, random variables, events, prior and posterior probabilities, independence and conditional independence, inference by enumeration, and Bayes' theorem. The second part of the lecture provided as overview of statistical learning, including MAP and ML learning, the Bayesian optimal classifier, and the Naive Bayes classifier. The lecture also analyzed a number of examples.

Not Taught.

22 Novembro 2016, 15:00 João Marques Silva

Lecturer was unwell. The lecture was compensated in the last week of lectures.

Not Taught.

22 Novembro 2016, 13:00 João Marques Silva

Lecturer was unwell. The lecture was compensated in the last week of lectures.