
Lesson 21

29 Novembro 2021, 10:30 Maria Helena Mouriño Silva Nunes

Students' Presentations:
Oral presentation of the 1st essay.

Lesson 20

22 Novembro 2021, 13:00 Maria Helena Mouriño Silva Nunes

Analysing the database from the survey on "Cardiovascular Disease" (cont.):

Measures of shape: skewness; kurtosis.

Visualising data distribution: histogram (continuous data) or bar chart (discrete data); box-plot (a revision on outliers). A brief reference to kernel density estimation.

Lesson 19

22 Novembro 2021, 10:30 Maria Helena Mouriño Silva Nunes

Analysing the database from the survey on "Cardiovascular Disease"- Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

Revision of the following measures:
- Measures of location: mean; mode; median; empirical quantile of order p (0< p<1);
- Measures of dispersion: variance; standard deviation; interquartile range; sample range.

Lesson 18

15 Novembro 2021, 13:00 Maria Helena Mouriño Silva Nunes

Survey on "Cardiovascular Disease".(cont.)

After critically analysing the questionnaire, students started the analysis of the respective database as well as the variables under consideration. The analyses were developed with the spreadsheet Microsoft Excel and IBM SPSS Software.

Lesson 17

15 Novembro 2021, 10:30 Maria Helena Mouriño Silva Nunes

Survey on "Cardiovascular Disease".

Introduction to the questionnaire: "Evaluating risk for cardiovascular diseases in the Portuguese population". Analysing the wording of the questions as well as the scale used in each question.