
Lesson 11

18 Outubro 2021, 10:30 Maria Helena Mouriño Silva Nunes

Patient-Reported Outcomes (PROM), or Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (PROMS): an instrument to evaluate health care systems. 

The role of the health questionnaires. What should be measured with this type of instrument from the patient's perspective? 
Defining Quality of Life (in a broad sense) and Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL). Their determinants.

Lesson 10

11 Outubro 2021, 13:00 Maria Helena Mouriño Silva Nunes

Watching and analysing the documentary released by WHO (May 2017): What is people-centred care?

An introduction to the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM). The ICHOM standard sets.
Watching and analysing the documentary by ICHOM, "A future view of value-based healthcare".

Lesson 9

11 Outubro 2021, 10:30 Maria Helena Mouriño Silva Nunes

Value-Based Healthcare. Introduction to the topic.

Value in Health, that is, the ratio between the outcome (that matters most to the patient) and cost.
The shift in the paradigm of the organisation of the healthcare systems: the Patient-Centred Care approach. What does it mean? Definition by the World HealthOrganization (WHO). Analysing the roots of this term, which dates back to 1988.

Lesson 8

4 Outubro 2021, 13:00 Maria Helena Mouriño Silva Nunes

Attendance at Glintt's conference.

Lesson 7

4 Outubro 2021, 10:30 Maria Helena Mouriño Silva Nunes

Attendance at Glintt's conference.