Alex Frost e Molly Fallon, 2003. The Guide to Pressing Seaweed. Cryptogamic Botany Company (online) 

"This guide is designed to provide teachers, students, and enthusiasts with enough information to have fun and to learn about algae by pressing seaweed. This is by no means a comprehensive guide to algal collection and preservation techniques, but instead focuses on the basics of pressing seaweed. We've tried to provide enough detail and explanation so that common problems can be avoided and so that readers understand the process enough to know when and how they can modify the described procedures."

 Huisman, J.M., Parker, C., 2005. How to Collect and Document Marine Plants. Western Australian Herbarium (PDF)

"The selection, documentation and preparation of useful herbarium specimens of marine and estuarine seagrasses and macroalgae demands patience and skill. Sound field collecting methods accompanied by correct drying and labeling techniques will produce well preserved useful herbarium specimens that will add to available knowledge and can be studied by conservation scientists well into the future." et al_2005_How to Collect and Document Marine Plants.pdf

Kennison e Parish. How to make a herbarium press. PASI 09 (video)

"This video was part of the outreach projects developed by participants of the 2009 NSF-PASI Advanced Tropical Phycology course that took place at the Bocas del Toro Research Station from August 14th to September 4th, 2009. Made by Rachel Kennison and Edward Parrish as their outreach project for the course, it shows in a simple way how to make a herbarium press for marine algae. For more information about the Bocas del Toro Research Station, see link"
