
Paracentrotus lividus - From Fertilization to Larval stages

18 Novembro 2022, 12:00 Tiago Filipe Baptista da Rosa Repolho

In this laboratory practice lesson (PL13), the following subjects were addressed: i) Paracentrotus lividus - General aspects; ii) Morphology and Anatomy; iii) Digestive, Water Vascular and Reproductive Systems - Development; iv) Research Areas. Moreover, the students performed the spawning induction and in vitro fertilization of this species, besides observing this species early life stages (embryo and 4-arm plutei).

Paracentrotus lividus - From Fertilization to Larval stages

18 Novembro 2022, 10:00 Tiago Filipe Baptista da Rosa Repolho

In this laboratory practice lesson (PL12), the following subjects were addressed: i) Paracentrotus lividus - General aspects; ii) Morphology and Anatomy; iii) Digestive, Water Vascular and Reproductive Systems - Development; iv) Research Areas. Moreover, the students performed the spawning induction and in vitro fertilization of this species, besides observing this species early life stages (embryo and 4-arm plutei).

Paracentrotus lividus - From Fertilization to Larval stages

18 Novembro 2022, 08:00 Tiago Filipe Baptista da Rosa Repolho

In this laboratory practice lesson (PL11), the following subjects were addressed: i) Paracentrotus lividus - General aspects; ii) Morphology and Anatomy; iii) Digestive, Water Vascular and Reproductive Systems - Development; iv) Research Areas. Moreover, the students performed the spawning induction and in vitro fertilization of this species, besides observing this species early life stages (embryo and 4-arm plutei).

Conceitos básicos sobre a interação atmosfera-oceano. Parte I

16 Novembro 2022, 10:00 Rui Rosa

Boundary Currents, Ekman Transport, Upwelling, Thermohaline circulation”, “El Niño and Walker Cells”, Pacific Decadal Oscillation, North Atlantic, Oscillation, Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation”

Introdução ao impacto das alterações climáticas no meio marinho. Parte IV

14 Novembro 2022, 08:30 Rui Rosa

Meta-análises e Armadilhas ecológicas