
Deploying a REST App with App Engine

1 Março 2023, 18:30 Mário João Barata Calha

Creating a basic Python+Flask app with a REST API. Deploy it with App Engine. Use Swagger to create a simple Python with a REST API. Continuous integration with GitHub Actions.

Application Architectures

1 Março 2023, 16:30 Mário João Barata Calha

The 12-factor app guidelines. Application architectures, from monolithic apps to Microservices and Functions. Three dimensions to scaling apps: horizontal duplication, functional decomposition and data partitioning.

Deploying a REST App with App Engine

1 Março 2023, 15:00 Mário João Barata Calha

Creating a basic Python+Flask app with a REST API. Deploy it with App Engine. Use Swagger to create a simple Python with a REST API. Continuous integration with GitHub Actions.

Using a REST API

23 Fevereiro 2023, 15:00 Mário João Barata Calha

Using the swagger UI and the editor.

GCP console

16 Fevereiro 2023, 15:00 Mário João Barata Calha

Introduction to the GCP console. Setting up budget alerts and user permissions. Using the cloud shell.