
Spark ML

3 Maio 2023, 15:00 Mário João Barata Calha

Using Spark ML


27 Abril 2023, 15:00 Mário João Barata Calha

Running a Spark container at cloud shell. Spark wordcount. Using Spark's REPL. RDDs and dataframes. Mounting a volume on the Spark container to make python programs accessible for spark-submit.


26 Abril 2023, 18:30 Mário João Barata Calha

Running a Spark container at cloud shell. Spark wordcount. Using Spark's REPL. RDDs and dataframes. Mounting a volume on the Spark container to make python programs accessible for spark-submit.


26 Abril 2023, 16:30 Mário João Barata Calha

Spark RDD transformations and actions. Broadcast variables. Accumulators. Spark SQL operations. Dataframes and datasets. Relation with RDDs.


26 Abril 2023, 15:00 Mário João Barata Calha

Running a Spark container at cloud shell. Spark wordcount. Using Spark's REPL. RDDs and dataframes. Mounting a volume on the Spark container to make python programs accessible for spark-submit.