
Monitoring and Serverless

6 Abril 2022, 18:30 Mário João Barata Calha

Monitoring a Kubernetes deployment with Prometheus and Grafana.
Serverless with Knative.

DevOps and Serverless

6 Abril 2022, 16:30 Mário João Barata Calha

1-  Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery and Deployment (CI/CD). Zero downtime (updating) deployments: rolling updates, rollback, blue-green. Monitoring an individual service. Using Prometheus to monitor a distributed application. Cloud security. Service mesh.
2- Backend as a Service (BaaS), functions and serverless.

Monitoring and Serverless

6 Abril 2022, 15:00 Mário João Barata Calha

Monitoring a Kubernetes deployment with Prometheus and Grafana.
Serverless with Knative.

Using a cloud provider console and cluster (GCP)

31 Março 2022, 15:00 Mário João Barata Calha

Setting up budget alerts and user permissions. Using the Cloud Shell and the command line tool gcloud. Accessing cloud storage. Creating a first kubernetes cluster and deploying a containerized web application.

Using a cloud provider console and cluster (GCP)

30 Março 2022, 18:30 Mário João Barata Calha

Setting up budget alerts and user permissions. Using the Cloud Shell and the command line tool gcloud. Accessing cloud storage. Creating a first kubernetes cluster and deploying a containerized web application.