
Sheet 3 of exercises

21 Março 2022, 18:30 André Souto

Discussion of some solution of sheet of exercises 3

Superdense coding, quantum query model and Deutsch problem

21 Março 2022, 16:30 André Souto

Recap on entanglement and on Teleportation.

Superdense coding: motivation, use, algorithm and characteristics.

The query model and uncomputing garbage on quantum model. 

The use of this model in quantum computation.

The Deutsch problem: classical and quantum solutions.

Sheet of exercises 2

14 Março 2022, 18:30 André Souto

Discussion of some solutions of exercises of sheet 2.

The no-cloning theorem, entanglement and its applications. Teleportation of information

14 Março 2022, 16:30 André Souto

Recap of the previous lecture.

The missing operation: copy. 

Proof why it is not possible to copy arbitrary unknown quantum states.

The notion of entanglement.

Formal definition via product state.

Examples: The EPR pair, the Bell states, GHZ;

How to create Bell states.

Examples in qiskit.

The power of entanglement: 

Teleportation with "distributed Cnot";

Teleportation with entanglement;

Exercises Sheet 1

7 Março 2022, 18:30 André Souto

Resolution of exercises of sheet 1