
Measurements and other operators for more than one qubit.

7 Março 2022, 16:30 André Souto

Quantum memories and more than one qubit.

Formal definition, measurement, partial measurement. 

Examples of measurement. 

Recap on examples of sinlge qubit unitary operations: Hadamard, phase shift, rotations, Pauli gates. 

Presentation of more than one qubit operators. 

Independent operations on qubits and operations over multiple qubits at once.

Composition of unitary operations.

Examples: CNot, Controled-U, Tofolli, swap.

Presentation of Jupiter notebooks with all the examples. 

Measurements and unitary operations

21 Fevereiro 2022, 18:30 André Souto

We used this first practical class to finish the theoretical part by presenting examples of unitary operators and measurements.

Presentation of the course. Introduction to quantum computing.

21 Fevereiro 2022, 16:30 André Souto

Presentation of evaluation rules;

Presentation of the contents of the course;


Introduction to quantum computation.
Motivation to study quantum computation.
The power of quantum: superposition, entanglement and interference.
The basic information unit: the qubit. 
Presentation through the double-split experiment; 
Realization of a qubit as levels of energy in electrons and spins of photons; 
The Bloch sphere and a two-dimension geometric interpretation for real coefficients.
Formal definition;
Evolution of a qubit:
1) by observing qubits:
- measurements in the computational basis;
2) by unitary operations:
- properties;
- examples of unitary operations. 
Tour through linear algebra and Dirac's notation.