
Lesson 7b (Tipologia da aula: Videoconferência)

22 Abril 2020, 18:00 Daniele Molinini

Reading of Hempel, C.G. and Oppenheim, P. (1948), Studies in the Logic of Explanation, Philosophy of Science [part I: Elementary survey of scientific explanation]

Lesson 7a (Tipologia da aula: Videoconferência)

22 Abril 2020, 16:00 Daniele Molinini

 Illustration of the deductive-nomological model (or ND model)  proposed by Carl Hempel and Paul Oppenheim. Hempel's symmetry thesis about explanation and prediction. Presentation and discussion of some criticisms that have been addressed to the DN model: criticism, by Michael Scriven, about the necessity conditions stated in the model ; criticisms, by Sylvain Bromberger and Wesley Salmon, about the sufficiency conditions stated in the model. Explanatory irrelevancies and Explanatory asymmetries. 

Lesson 6b (Tipologia da aula: Videoconferência)

15 Abril 2020, 18:00 Daniele Molinini

Discussion of Aristotle's account of explanation in science (as given in Posterior Analytics I.13). 

Lesson 6a (Tipologia da aula: Videoconferência)

15 Abril 2020, 16:00 Daniele Molinini

Three strategies to challenge the Skeptical Argument (SA): Sensitivity, Mooreanism and Contextualism. The influence of the skeptical argument in science: how do we defend knowledge attributions in science? Deduction in science (starting point: Aristotle's deductive conception of scientific knowledge). Induction (enumerative induction in Aristotle). Another form of non-necessary inference: 'abduction'. Abduction and Inference to the Best Explanation (IBE). What do we mean by 'explanatory considerations'. What is an ‘explanation’? Distinction between descriptive knowledge (or knowledge  that something is the case) and explanatory knowledge (or knowledge  why something is the case).

Lesson 5b (Tipologia da aula: Videoconferência)

1 Abril 2020, 18:00 Daniele Molinini

The Brain in a Vat (BiV) argument.