
CCD image processing (Part III)

17 Outubro 2023, 09:00 André Maria da Silva Dias Moitinho de Almeida

:: Bias correction (cont)
- Combinations of 100 bias images. Analysis of the combined super master bias
- Application of Zero correction (bias) to images with an exposure time greater than 0.

CMOS detector arrays

17 Outubro 2023, 08:00 André Maria da Silva Dias Moitinho de Almeida

- CMOS detector definition
- CMOS detector principles of operation
- Performance of modern CMOS detectors
- Examples of CMOS detectors

CCDs [Part V]

12 Outubro 2023, 11:30 André Maria da Silva Dias Moitinho de Almeida

- Photometers and cameras
- Spectrographs

:Beyond basic CCD use
- Mosaics
- "Binning". Reasons, advantages and disadvantages. Differences in load transfer / Acquisition / reading

Further reading
Chap 5 of McLean

CCD image processing (Part II)

10 Outubro 2023, 09:00 André Maria da Silva Dias Moitinho de Almeida

- Explanation of the astropy CCDPROC task. 

- Explanation of different image combination algorithms, including outlier rejection.

:: Image processing:
- Definition of the geometry of the overscan area and the data area.
- Calculation and correction of the overscan level. 
- Trimming the overscan section
- Examination of processed images
- Combination of bias images into a master bias. 
- Comparison of the combined image with the individual ones (noise reduction).

CCDs [Part IV]

10 Outubro 2023, 08:00 André Maria da Silva Dias Moitinho de Almeida

:: Instrumental signatures and other effects on CCD images (cont)
- Dark current
- Flat fields
- Fringing

:: Sources of noise
- Reading noise
- Dark current
- Photonic ("shot noise")
- Non-uniformity of pixels