
CCD image processing (Part I)

3 Outubro 2023, 09:00 André Maria da Silva Dias Moitinho de Almeida

- Inspection of image metadata (content of headers)
- Examination of raw science, bias and flat field images
- Determination of the gain and reading noise of the CCD

CCDs [Part III]

3 Outubro 2023, 08:00 André Maria da Silva Dias Moitinho de Almeida

:: Instrumental signatures and other effects on CCD images
- Saturation and load spillage ("blooming")
- Defects: Cold / hot pixels and columns

# Removing instrument signatures from CCD images
- Bias / overscan

CCDs [Part II]

28 Setembro 2023, 11:30 André Maria da Silva Dias Moitinho de Almeida

:: Spectral sensitivity
- "Thick Front-side Illuminated" CCDs
- Thinned Back-side Illuminated CCDs
- "Deep Depletion" CCDs
- Anti-reflective coatings and others to modify the spectral response

- Color CCDs

Software installation and configuration. Introduction to fits files

26 Setembro 2023, 09:00 André Maria da Silva Dias Moitinho de Almeida

- Installation of the necessary software for use in the PLs.
- Virtual machine was also provided with all necessary data and software installed.
- Introduction to the DS9 image display software.
- Introduction to fits file format and manipulation with python.

CCDs [Part I]

26 Setembro 2023, 08:00 André Maria da Silva Dias Moitinho de Almeida

:: Introduction: What is a CCD
- Aspect of CCDs
- The physical basis: semiconductor photoconduction
- Charge transfer. Bucket Conveyor Analogy
- Charge transfer efficiency and size limitations for CCDs
- Structure of CCDs. geometry, components, and assembly

:: The electric field in CCDs
- Electrical potential at the semiconductor junction
- Charge collection
- Charge transfer: electronic description
- Acquisition 
- Reading