Software installation and configuration for PLs
21 Setembro 2021, 09:00 • André Maria da Silva Dias Moitinho de Almeida
- Installation of the necessary software for use in the following PLs.
- Virtual machines were also provided with all necessary software installed.
Sensors and system development requirements
21 Setembro 2021, 08:00 • André Maria da Silva Dias Moitinho de Almeida
:: Introduction to sensors
- Observable or messengers of information
- The ideal instrument for detecting electromagnetic radiation (large field, high spatial and spectral resolution, high sensitivity, high dynamic range, high temporal resolution).
- Discussion of trade-offs with physical causes that take us away from the ideal instrument for detecting electromagnetic radiation. How these trade-offs result in different designs for the sensors (cameras, spectrographs, IFUs, optical telescopes, antennas, and more).
- System development requirements
The different categories of requirements for the development of instruments and their discussion
- Scientific
- On the instrument
- On engineering
- On the system
16 Setembro 2021, 08:00 • André Maria da Silva Dias Moitinho de Almeida
PL Presentation
14 Setembro 2021, 09:00 • André Maria da Silva Dias Moitinho de Almeida
Overview of PL activities
Course Presentation
14 Setembro 2021, 08:00 • André Maria da Silva Dias Moitinho de Almeida