
Nuclear reactions (cont.)

4 Dezembro 2017, 08:30 Daniel Galaviz Redondo

Nuclear reactions. Specific characteristics of negative Q-value reactions. Cross section definition. Differential cross section. Isospin.

Gamma decay (cont)

6 Novembro 2017, 08:30 Daniel Galaviz Redondo

Discussion on the theory of gamma decay. Weisskopf probabilities. Selection rules. Angular distribution. Internal conversion.

Gamma decay

30 Outubro 2017, 08:30 Daniel Galaviz Redondo

Introduction to the theory of the gamma decay in nuclei.

Topic 4. Excited states in nuclei

25 Outubro 2017, 08:30 Daniel Galaviz Redondo

Discussion on exercises related to topics 3 and 4.

Topic 4. Excited states in nuclei

23 Outubro 2017, 08:30 Daniel Galaviz Redondo

Excited states in even-even nuclei. Nuclear vibrations (cont.). Nuclear rotations