
Topic 4. Excited states in nuclei (

18 Outubro 2017, 08:30 Daniel Galaviz Redondo

Excited states in even-even nuclei. Nuclear vibrations. 

The nucleus (cont.)

16 Outubro 2017, 08:30 Daniel Galaviz Redondo

Determination of the ground state properties of nuclei. Extreme independent particle model. Magnetic dipole moment and electric quadrupole moment of A-odd nuclei. Nuclear excitations.

Topic 3: The nucleus (ground state properties)

11 Outubro 2017, 08:30 Daniel Galaviz Redondo

The nucleus. Indication of the existence of shell structures in nuclei. Determination of energy levels resulting from different nuclear potentials. The spin-orbit term and the present shell model.

Problems: Nuclear sizes and nuclear masses

9 Outubro 2017, 08:30 Daniel Galaviz Redondo

Discussion on problems on the topic of nuclear sizes and nuclear masses

Nuclear sizes and nuclear masses (cont)

4 Outubro 2017, 08:30 Daniel Galaviz Redondo

Concept of nuclear mass and nuclear binding energy. Semi-empirical mass formula. Parabola of masses. Karlsruhe nuclide chart.