Theory lecture 13

24 Maio 2023, 08:30 João Nuno Ramalho Gonçalves Pires

  • Top quark discovery at the Tevatron
  • Higgs searches at LEP and the Tevatron
  • Higgs mechanism: spontaneous symmetry breaking of global U(1) symmetry: goldstone bosons
  • Higgs mechanism: spontaneous symmetry breaking of local U(1) gauge theory: massive gauge fields and unitary gauge 
  • The Standard Model Higgs doublet: symmetry breaking of the local SU(2)_L x U(1)_Y EW theory
  • Mass terms for the W+,W- and Z0 gauge fields of the EW interaction
  • Fermion mass terms and Yukawa interactions between the Higgs and the Standard Model fermions
  • Experimental Higgs discovery at the LHC
  • Higgs boson properties
  • Review of the building blocks of the Standard model and the free parameters of the theory
  • Open questions left unanswered in the Standard Model

Recommended reading: Chapters 17 and 18 of Mark Thomoson's book. Chapter 11 of D.Griffith's book.