17 Novembro 2020, 16:00 Ana Maria Gomes Moura Pires de Andrade Tenreiro

  • Physiological adaptation and homeostasis
    • Photo-regulation in prokaryotes

      • Two component RegB/RegA (PrrB/PrrA) control system
      • FnrL anaerobic activator

      • AppA-PpsR aerobic anti repressor-repressor
      • Thioredoxins (Trx) 
      • hvrA and spb encode light-responding transcriptional regulators of photosynthesis genes

    • Bacterial chemotaxis regulation

      • Chemotaxis signal transduction in  Escherichia coli: signaling components, phosphorelay signaling  and circuit logic

      • The Rhodobacter spheroides chemotaxis pathways
      • Alternative chemosensory pathways

        • Chemotaxis in Bacillus subtilis
        • Developmental gene expression in Myxococcus xanthus
        • Biofilm formation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
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