Hacking como modo, método e cultura performativa da tecnologia

17 Março 2022, 14:00 Alexander Mathias Gerner

1. Hacker Ethics(Lewy): "Number 1: Acess to Computers, as with anything that can teach you how the world works, should be unlimeted and total. Always cling to the hands-on imperative.Number 2: All information should be freeNumber 3: Distrust authorities, and promote decentralization. Number 4: Hackers should be judged  only by their hacking, not by bogus criteria such as age, race, position, or degrees.Number 5: You can create art  and beauty  on a computer.Number 6: Computers can change your life - for the better”

Contra a leitura dos hackers como meros implantadores de bots ou destruidores de infra-estruturas ou parte de estados hacker (Follis & Fish, 2020) é hoje debatida uma cultura de denúncia whistleblower culture (Snowdon 2019, Assange 2018) - apesar das perseguições e ofensas legais que os intrusos enfrentam - como o dilema da cibersegurança (Buchanan, 2016; 2020).

Assange, J. (2016). When Google met WikiLeaks. New York: OR Books.

Assange, J., Appelbaum, J., Müller-Maguhn, A., & Zimmermann, J. (2012). Cypherpunks: Freedom and the future of the internet. New York: OR Books.

Buchanan, B. (2016). The Cybersecurity Dilemma. Hacking, Trust, and Fear Between Nations Oxford: OUP.

Buchanan, B. (2020). The Hacker and the State. Cyberattacks and the new normal in geopolitics. Cambridge Mass.: Harvard University Press.

Snowden, E. (2019). Permanent record. New York: Metropolitan Books. 

" Hacking is in a persistent state of flux. It is pervaded by normative and legal ambiguities surrounding the status of the practices, software, artifacts, and actors that operate in this field. Not only do actors in the digital sphere have different rights and responsibilities under the law, but the relationships, processes, technologies, and practices that produce the cybersecurity foundations of our collective digital reality are also poorly understood, undercodified, decentralized, and piecemeal." (Follis & Fish, 2020: 78) Follis, L.  & Fish, A (2020). Hacker States. Cambridge Mass.: MIT Press.


2. “All information should be free”Uma reflexão acerca do Hacking no acesso à informação, exemplifica acerca do caso da scihub (Alexandra Asanovna Elbakyan) de download de papers científicos pirateados (caso Elsevier) e da Library genesis e a proteção dos direitos de autor

Os desafios éticos do Hacking no acesso “livre” da informação vs. invasão e abuso de dados íntimos e do espaço privados 

3. Quando o Hacking se torna um cybercrime?

4. Hacker como whistleblower-  Reflecção de um caso português

5. Coding para a Democracia - Government Hacking-

Webb (2020) not only interprets hackers as vital disrupters, but as well as citizens that invent and build out new forms of distributed, decentralized democracy in the digital age and into cyberspace while we are being confronted with powerful technological mass surveillance and rising authorianism enabled by new technology and hacker ethics that may push for exploiting the weakness in computers and systems of the powerful in the sense of Hackers Ethics: "Privacy for the weak, transparency for the powerful" (Anderson, 2020; Assange et al., 2012).

Anderson,  Patrick D. (2020). Privacy for the weak, transparency for the powerful: the cypherpunk ethics of Julian Assange. Ethics and Information Technology https://doi.org/10.1007/s10676-020-09571-x

Webb, Maureen (2020). Coding Democracy. How Hackers are Disrupting Power, Surveillance and Authoritarianism. Cambridge Mass. MIT Press.