Últimos anúncios

Time-schedule for the first oral slot is available at the section "orals"

8 Dezembro 2020, 13:17 Carla Alexandra Monteiro da Silva

At zoom, link https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/6253965049

MANDATORY: share the resolution of your 3 assignments and webcam turned ON

Topic 6 - Example of application SMP2.0

11 Novembro 2020, 14:56

Topic #6 available for you to watch

9 Novembro 2020, 11:20

COVID19 - smart and sustainable mobility adaptation amid coronavirus pandemic

30 Outubro 2020, 10:25

Introduction - Topic#3 available

30 Setembro 2020, 12:13

Corpo Docente

Carla Alexandra Monteiro da Silva

