
Seminar 10 - Daniela M. Godinho, "Microwave Imaging to Improve Breast Cancer Diagnosis"

6 Dezembro 2023, 14:00 Maria Margarida Cruz

Abstract: Medical Microwave Imaging (MMWI) is an emerging medical imaging technique which has been studied in the last decades for early detection of breast cancer and brain stroke. In this presentation, I will present the work I have been developing in Instituto de Biofísica e Engenharia Biomédica towards breast cancer detection and staging with MMWI during my Ph.D. and as a post-doctoral researcher: from the creation of anatomical models, tissue properties characterisation and prototype development, to the implementation of signal processing algorithms and machine learning models.

Seminar 9 - André Moitinho, "From clustered star formation to the field population: building up the Galactic disc"

29 Novembro 2023, 14:00 Maria Margarida Cruz

Most stars form in groups, a  result of the gravitational collapse and fragmentation of cold giant molecular clouds. These groups eventually disperse and contribute to the smooth distribution of stars in their host galaxies.  Theoretical and numerical studies, indicate that the transition is driven by a range of internal factors, such as stellar evolution, distributions of stellar masses and velocities, as well as external elements such as galactic tidal forces, and interactions with giant molecular clouds and spiral arms. Yet, robust observational evidence to back these theories is sparse.
In this seminar, I present the findings of my research team on the dispersal of star clusters and how it affects the structure and development of the Milky Way. The discussion is organized into four parts:
1- Internal Dynamics of Star Clusters: This section presents observational maps of the internal kinematics of star clusters. Evidence of cluster rotation and expansion/contraction is discussed.
2- The Cluster Dissolution Process: Presents the observational determination of the rate at which star clusters dissolve and transfer mass to the galactic field.
3- Impact on Galactic Structure: The role of cluster dissolution in modifying the Milky Way's structure, particularly its contribution to the disk's thickening, will be explored.
4- Navigating the Data Avalanche: The final section addresses the explosion star cluster discoveries and catalogues, primarily driven by the European Space Agency (ESA) Gaia mission. We explore the challenges of this influx of data and discuss our work for developing a coherent, research-friendly framework for the analysis of star clusters.

Seminar 8 - Daniel Galaviz, "Radioactive Nuclei, the still unknown part of the Universe's DNA"

22 Novembro 2023, 14:00 Maria Margarida Cruz

Abstract: Sentences like "We are made of star-stuff" (Carl Sagan) or "Nuclei are the DNA of the cosmos" (Stan Woosley) already tell us that our origin is undoubtedly linked to stars. Besides Hydrogen and Helium, all chemical elements are currently produced in the various stages of the life of stars. While light isotopes are synthesized in the steady-burning phases of the star, a large fraction of the heavy isotopes present in our universe is produced in explosive scenarios in which the properties of radioactive nuclei are key to understand these nucleosynthesis processes. In this talk I will introduce the synthesis processes responsible for the chemical elements heavier than iron, and bring you to the European installations where radioactive isotopes are produced for fundamental and applied research, along with the experiments we perform at LIP to complete the Universe's DNA picture.

Seminar 7 - Marta Fajardo, "Ultra-bright and ultra-short X-rays"

15 Novembro 2023, 14:00 Maria Margarida Cruz

Abstract: The X-ray and EUV sources that were awarded this year's Nobel Physics Prize are the shortest light sources ever produced. Although they don't have much energy, thanks to their duration, which can be up to attoseconds (1E-18 s), they are extremely bright. In this seminar we will visit the world of X-rays created by lasers, with a detour to the VOXEL laboratory at the Instituto Superior Técnico, where we are developing and manipulating these new light sources.

Seminar 6 - Ana Margarida Mota , "Advanced medical imaging tools to improve cancer detection and reduce radiation dose to the patients"

8 Novembro 2023, 14:00 Maria Margarida Cruz

Abstract: With the development of computing methods, medical imaging has become the main method of diagnosis in clinical practice. Transforming the interaction of radiation with the human body into an accessible and intuitive image is the big challenge and the basis of my research in medical imaging. Our research group has focused on breast imaging obtained with X-rays and nuclear medicine imaging obtained with radiopharmaceuticals. I will show you some recent findings and ongoing work in these areas. We have been focused on 1) developing tools that improve daily clinical diagnosis of breast cancer with Breast Tomosynthesis and 2) using advanced tools to reduce the radiation dose to the patients by improving image quality.