
Disks and Files

30 Setembro 2019, 13:00 Catia Luisa Santana Calisto Pesquita

Databases vs File Systems. Tape, hard-drives and solid state drives. RAID. Disk space management. Buffer management. Files and indexes. Page format. Record format.

Checnkpoint P1.1: specification

30 Setembro 2019, 10:30 Catia Luisa Santana Calisto Pesquita

Project 1 checkpoint 1. Specification of database operations. Database design and implementation.

Checnkpoint P1.1: specification

27 Setembro 2019, 15:00 Catia Luisa Santana Calisto Pesquita

Project 1 checkpoint 1. Specification of database operations. Database design and implementation.

Introduction to Project 1

23 Setembro 2019, 15:00 Catia Luisa Santana Calisto Pesquita

Introduction to the practical classes. Presentation of project 1 and its evaluation. Analysis of the available datasets. 

The relational model and SQL

23 Setembro 2019, 13:00 Catia Luisa Santana Calisto Pesquita

The Relational Model. Conceptual schema. Overview of basics on SQL DDL and DML. Integrity Constraints. Views.