
Introduction to Project 1

23 Setembro 2019, 10:30 Catia Luisa Santana Calisto Pesquita

Introduction to the practical classes. Presentation of project 1 and its evaluation. Analysis of the available datasets. 

Introduction to Project 1

20 Setembro 2019, 15:00 Catia Luisa Santana Calisto Pesquita

Introduction to the practical classes. Presentation of project 1 and its evaluation. Analysis of the available datasets. 


16 Setembro 2019, 15:00 Catia Luisa Santana Calisto Pesquita

Students make groups for the projects

Introduction. ER Model

16 Setembro 2019, 13:00 Catia Luisa Santana Calisto Pesquita

Introduction. Course organization. What is a database? Database Management Systems. ER Model.


16 Setembro 2019, 10:30 Catia Luisa Santana Calisto Pesquita

Students make groups for the projects