
Translation to intermediate code

21 Abril 2017, 15:00 Vasco Manuel Thudichum de Serpa Vasconcelos

Bibliography: Modern Compiler Implementation in Java, chapter 7.

Translation to intermediate code

21 Abril 2017, 13:00 Vasco Manuel Thudichum de Serpa Vasconcelos

Bibliography: Modern Compiler Implementation in Java, chapter 7.

Activation records. Higher-order functions. Stack frames. Parameter passing. Static links.

7 Abril 2017, 15:00 Vasco Manuel Thudichum de Serpa Vasconcelos

Bibliography: Modern Compiler Implementation in Java, chapter 6.

Activation records. Higher-order functions. Stack frames. Parameter passing. Static links.

7 Abril 2017, 13:00 Vasco Manuel Thudichum de Serpa Vasconcelos

Bibliography: Modern Compiler Implementation in Java, chapter 6.

Symbol tables. Semantic analysis, including variable declaration checking and type checking.

31 Março 2017, 15:00 Vasco Manuel Thudichum de Serpa Vasconcelos

Bibliography: Modern Compiler Implementation in Java, chapter 5.