
Lexical Analysis and Parsing

24 Fevereiro 2017, 13:00 Vasco Manuel Thudichum de Serpa Vasconcelos

Bibliography: Modern Compiler Implementation in Java, chapters 2 and 3.

Written assignment 1: Lexical Analysis and Parsing. Due date: March 12

Syllabus, including grading

17 Fevereiro 2017, 15:00 Vasco Manuel Thudichum de Serpa Vasconcelos

Overview of the compilation process. Constructing a compiler from a collection of components. Tools for generating components.

Bibliography: The Definitive ANTLR 4 Reference, chapters 1 to 3.

Coding assignment 1: warm-up exercise. Due date: February 26.

Syllabus, including grading

17 Fevereiro 2017, 13:00 Vasco Manuel Thudichum de Serpa Vasconcelos

Overview of the compilation process. Constructing a compiler from a collection of components. Tools for generating components.

Bibliography: The Definitive ANTLR 4 Reference, chapters 1 to 3.

Coding assignment 1: warm-up exercise. Due date: February 26.