

7 Abril 2020, 16:30 André Osório e Cruz de Azerêdo Falcão

Class previously recorded
Support to students questions to subject matters

Introducing ETL processes for OLAP creation in Python - VIDEOCONFERENCE

7 Abril 2020, 15:00 André Osório e Cruz de Azerêdo Falcão

  • Table creation
  • translate natural to surrogate keys
  • reading external data
  • Joining different data sources

Advanced dimensional modeling concepts - VIDEOCONFERENCE

7 Abril 2020, 13:00 André Osório e Cruz de Azerêdo Falcão

Introduction to PostgreSQL and OLAP queries with Python - VIDEOCONFERENCE

1 Abril 2020, 16:30 André Osório e Cruz de Azerêdo Falcão

Interacting with postgreSQL, connecting to the server. executing and visualizing simple queries and OLAP queries with pgAdmin and Python

Introduction to PostgreSQL and OLAP queries with Python - VIDEOCONFERENCE

31 Março 2020, 16:30 André Osório e Cruz de Azerêdo Falcão

Interacting with postgreSQL, connecting to the server. executing and visualizing simple queries and OLAP queries with pgAdmin and Python