
Dimensional modeling Part II - VIDEOCONFERENCE

24 Março 2020, 13:00 André Osório e Cruz de Azerêdo Falcão

Dimensional modeling
–Retail sales example
–Primary keys and degenerate dimensions
–Date dimension
–Attribute hierarchies in dimensions
–Surrogate keys in dimensions
•Dimension analysis
–Intelligibility versus performance
•More about fact modeling
–Measures, additivity, and semi-additivity
–Factless fact tables

Exercises in dimensional modeling - VIDEOCONFERENCE

18 Março 2020, 16:30 André Osório e Cruz de Azerêdo Falcão

Exercises in dimensional modeling. Identifying the dimensions and the grain of the fact table. Processing the data. The spreadsheet example.
Identifying requirements for analytical modeling

Exercises in dimensional modeling - VIDEOCONFERENCE

17 Março 2020, 16:30 André Osório e Cruz de Azerêdo Falcão

Exercises in dimensional modeling. Identifying the dimensions and the grain of the fact table. Processing the data. The spreadsheet example.
Identifying requirements for analytical modeling

Exercises in dimensional modeling - VIDEOCONFERENCE

17 Março 2020, 15:00 André Osório e Cruz de Azerêdo Falcão

Exercises in dimensional modeling. Identifying the dimensions and the grain of the fact table. Processing the data. The spreadsheet example.
Identifying requirements for analytical modeling

Introdução à modelação dimensional - VIDEOCONFERENCE

17 Março 2020, 13:00 André Osório e Cruz de Azerêdo Falcão

The data warehouse construction process
–Responsabilities in DW projects
–Bus matrix
–Feasibility/value matrix
•Dimensional modelling
–Measures, Facts and Dimensions
–Browsing the data hypercube
–Fact table grain
–Identifying the dimensions