List of essay topic suggestions.

Instructions for writing your paper manuscript in Latex:

  • Please use this template to write your paper:

    This template is originally from the MDPI journals. It was modified to set the page width and height to MDPI non-default values that should be used for all our UP proceedings papers. Please don't modify these settings. The maximum number of pages will be defined by/counted with these settings. This reset of page dimensions is quite generous. You'll see that you will be able to write a lot if you choose to do so. Please do not change settings to  double column (If you do use double column I will convert it and count the number of pages with the up_template style!). The double column mode is very rarely used in Astronomy proceedings papers.
  • In Latex, % is the character to introduce comments or comment lines. Feel free to delete all commented lines or comments from the template if you prefer not to see them in your source .tex file.
    Modify this template to include your title, sections etc. Note that the title of your contribution (that you should enter in the \Title{} command of the .tex source file) will become a chapter's name in the final book of proceedings (that will collect all contributions). 
  • In the MDPI link you can find suggestions of Software packages and Apps for writing in Latex. If you decide to use the Overleaf online editor option, please upload the above (once you open an account, you can do this in the following way: new project -> upload project and select the file) instead of using the Overleaf's default MDPI settings which uses a smaller text area for the page settings)
  • By the end of your work please send me a zip file with your proceedings paper. If you decide to use Overleaf or any other online editor, you can simple share your document with me: ajosilva at

Example of paper contribution

Feel free to download and have a look into this fake paper contribution: It was done with the up_template file. You can also see how it looks in Overleaf (read only link). The subject of the paper is irrelevant (it is simply a cut & paste of a chapter I wrote for a review paper a few years ago; it has some missing references,...). You may find it useful to see how much material fits in 15 pages and also to see how to insert figures, equations, references...