Primordial Universe 2024 Conference: 7th, and 8th of February 2024

  • Registration: by email with the indication of the essay topic  

  • Instructions for the preparation of papers: see instructions for  paper proceedings

  • Venue: FCUL, Room C8.2.14 

Program - Feb. 7th, 2024

Session 1 (early afternoon)

    14h00 - Conference opening - day 1
    14h15 - Maria Lourenço, "Cosmological Perturbation Theory"
    14h55 - Catarina Ferreira, "Inflation: Quantum Fluctuations in the de Sitter space"

Session 2 (late afternoon)

    15h50 - Mafalda Nunes, "Variable Speed of Light (VSL)"               
    16h30 - Eduardo Caetano, "Evidence and direct detection of dark matter"

Program - Feb. 8th, 2024

Session 3 (early morning)

    09h00 - Opening - day 2
    09h15 - Daniel Cruz, "Modified Gravity Theories"                                
    09h55 - Luis Barroso, "Dynamics of Primordial Black Holes"
    10h35 - Luca Damele, "Primordial Black Holes"             

Session 4 (late morning)

    11h30 - Ana Ribeiro, "QCD phase transition: the “origin” of protons and neutrons"
    12h10 - Margarida Ferreira, "Baryogenesis - Baryon Asymmetry"

Session 5 (early afternoon)

    14h00 - Tomás Pinto, "How was dark matter produced in the early universe?"
    14h40 - Henrique Eira, "Recombination, Decoupling and a few notes on the CMB"
    15h10 - Joana Nobre, "What Are Primordial Magnetic Fields and Why Can They Be Important?"

Session 6 (late afternoon)

    16h05 - Helder Esteves, "The importance of the QCD Phase transition for the Primordial Universe"
    16h45 - Tomás Trindade, "Quantum Initial Conditions from Inflation"