Disciplina Curricular

Redes de Conhecimento RC

Mestrado Bolonha em Segurança Informática - 3_MSI 2020/21


Grupo: 3_MSI 2020/21 > 2º Ciclo > Parte Escolar > Optativas > 789 - Mestrado em Segurança Informática - Grupo OG > 2º semestre



6.0 (para cálculo da média)


Provide the students the tools for Graph data representation. From Ontology Design, RDF representation to Data Mining , Machine Learning, Explainable AI and Visualisation of information with Graphs


Graphs to store data and represent Knowledge Graph • Ontology Design • OWL. Design Patterns. • Semantics and Reasoning • Querying RDF-based Knowledge Graphs with SPARQL • Knowledge Graph construction • Knowledge Graph Alignment and integration • Data Mining and Machine Learning with Knowledge Graphs • User focus: Explainable AI and Visualisation with Knowledge Graphs • Knowledge Graphs in the real world – Science and Healthcare • Knowledge Graphs in the real world – Industry and Society • The future of Knowledge Graphs

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