
An introduction to large-scale methods in Biosciences

23 Setembro 2020, 13:30 Margarida Henriques da Gama Carvalho

  1. Define the term 'omics' and provide some examples of 'omics' approaches;
  2. Contextualize these research approaches in the current landscape of BioSciences and its aims; 
  3. Understand the evolution from biochemistry/molecular biology to the systems biology level and the potential of ensuing applications;
  4. Understand the importance and need for quantitative and large-scale data analysis approaches in the current panorama of biological sciences and the need for a new generation of 'Bio-professionals';
  5. Understand the difference between data and knowledge. 
  6. Acquire an historical perspective for the appearance of 'Big Science' and 'Omics' Technologies;
  7. Have an in-depth understanding of the aims and achievements of the Human Genome Project;
  8. Understand the impact of the HGP in technological development in the 20th century;
  9. Review and understand the basic principles of conventional DNA sequencing (Sanger sequencing)
  10. Identify and explain microarrays and their different applications as the first true 'omics' technology.

Introduction to the course contents, organization and resources

16 Setembro 2020, 15:00 Margarida Henriques da Gama Carvalho

  1. Structure, aims and organization of the course
  2. Understand the evaluation process

Introduction to the course contents, organization and resources

16 Setembro 2020, 13:30 Margarida Henriques da Gama Carvalho

  1. Activate the Class Notebook
  2. Understand how the Class Notebook works and where to find materials