
Protein Structure Analysis II.

11 Abril 2018, 13:30 André Osório e Cruz de Azerêdo Falcão

Protein Structure Analysis II. Comparative modeling. Threading methods and Fold recognition. The CASP 
competition. Machine learning methods: ROSETTA and HHPred


5 Abril 2018, 16:00 André Osório e Cruz de Azerêdo Falcão

Running Psi-BLAST locally. Working with Hidden Markov Models - Installing and running HMMER3.  Secondary structure prediction


4 Abril 2018, 15:30 André Osório e Cruz de Azerêdo Falcão

Running Psi-BLAST locally. Working with Hidden Markov Models - Installing and running HMMER3.  Secondary structure prediction

Protein Structure Analysis

4 Abril 2018, 13:30 André Osório e Cruz de Azerêdo Falcão

Protein Structure Analysis. Protein structure classifications, concepts and goals.Data resources, 
hierarchies. Protein structure comparison, Concepts and goals.Data resources, Algorithms, Assessing 
structural similarity

Local BLAST alignment and database searching

22 Março 2018, 16:00 André Osório e Cruz de Azerêdo Falcão

Local BLAST alignment and database searching. Multiple sequence alignment. Use R for interfacing with blastp