
SLG: quasi steady state

26 Maio 2022, 13:30 Alessandro Margheri

Proof of the existence and uniqueness of the quasi steady state. significance of the quasi steady state in the asymptotic prtobability distribution.

Miguel: ex.11

SLE: Yaglom limit

24 Maio 2022, 13:30 Alessandro Margheri

SLE: quasi steady state

stochastic logistic equation

23 Maio 2022, 13:30 Alessandro Margheri

Stochastic logistic equation: formulation of the model.  Proof that extinction is certain.


19 Maio 2022, 13:30 Alessandro Margheri

Diana ex 17

Tiago  ex 14
Laura+Maria ex 19

stochastic SIR model

17 Maio 2022, 13:30 Alessandro Margheri

Embedded Markpv chain.