
Esclarecimento de dúvidas

26 Abril 2022, 10:30 Maria Carlota da Rocha Xavier Rebelo Gonçalves

Esclarecimento de dúvidas

não houve aula

21 Abril 2022, 13:30 Alessandro Margheri

não houve aula causa workshop

Simple Death Process

12 Abril 2022, 13:30 Alessandro Margheri

Time to extinction.  Expected value.  Quasi stationary state: Yaglom limit. 

 Deterministic vs stochastic  model.
Small populations: deterministic model for the expected value. Convergence in probability to the expected values
for the average of the realizations: strong law of large numbers.   

G-W process

11 Abril 2022, 13:30 Alessandro Margheri

G-W process. Definition. Genrating function of Z_n: deduction of its form.  

Travelling waves

7 Abril 2022, 13:30 Maria Carlota da Rocha Xavier Rebelo Gonçalves

Travelling waves.

Introduction to pattern formation.