
CMB and parameter estimation

9 Maio 2022, 14:00 Ismael Tereno

Model selection
The status of the cosmological model in 2022
CMB anisotropies: theoretical predictions

Cosmological parameter estimation

5 Maio 2022, 14:00 Ismael Tereno

Fisher matrix
Constraints from supernovae surveys

Statistical inference

2 Maio 2022, 14:00 Ismael Tereno

The signal-to-noise ratio and an exposure time calculator
The data vector: precision versus accuracy
Theorem of Bayes: data space and parameters space
Analytical marginalization
Sampling methods

No class

28 Abril 2022, 14:00 Ismael Tereno

Participation in the Euclid meeting 2022

Supernova surveys

21 Abril 2022, 14:00 Ismael Tereno

Supernova type Ia
Flux-luminosity relation and the distance modulus
Unbiased estimator: nuisance parameters, K-correction