
Cosmological Probes

11 Abril 2022, 14:00 Ismael Tereno

Baryonic acoustic oscillations
The BAO peak
Overview of cosmological probes: observables and cosmological functions

Baryonic matter clustering

7 Abril 2022, 14:00 Ismael Tereno

N-body simulations: power spectrum, halo finders, halo profiles
Hydrodynamic simulations and galaxy formation
The Euclidean approach for baryonic linear clustering
The Jeans equation

Dark matter non-linear clustering

4 Abril 2022, 14:00 Ismael Tereno

Introduction to perturbation theory in cosmological fields
The halo model: spherical collapse, mass function, halo bias

Dark matter linear clustering

31 Março 2022, 14:00 Ismael Tereno

The Meszaros equation
The mini-universe
Transfer function
The bottom-up scenario of structure formation

Newtonian perturbed fluid equations

28 Março 2022, 14:00 Ismael Tereno

Linearized fluid equations in the expanding Universe
Differential equation for the time evolution of the density contrast
The epochs of the Universe
Dark matter linear clustering in the matter dominated epoch