
The cosmological fluid

7 Março 2022, 14:00 Ismael Tereno

Comoving, angular diameter and luminosity distances
Comoving volume
The Einstein equations
The components of the energy-momentum tensor
The dimensionless density parameters

The metric and its degrees of freedom

3 Março 2022, 14:00 Ismael Tereno

The gravitational potential of the Universe
Newtonian description of an expanding Universe
Degrees of freedom in the RW metric: scale factor and spatial curvature
Distances in an expanding and curved Universe

The zeroth order Universe

24 Fevereiro 2022, 14:00 Ismael Tereno

The cosmological principle.
Olbers' paradox and the idea of a universal redshift
The flux function
The Hubble function and the Hubble scale


21 Fevereiro 2022, 14:00 Ismael Tereno

Get to know the students.
Presentation of the program, bibliography and evaluation method.
Relation of the program with research done at IA/FCUL
Introduction to the physical model of the Universe