Moving characters
10 Março 2023, 16:30 • Luis Manuel Ferreira Fernandes Moniz
Using the
example (you can use another example), implement the steering behaviours to control the flock movement.
Let's do this in phases, in a first step:
- The Guy behaviour should implement the rules of flocking
- complete the ###TODO in Guy class (cohesion, separation, go to objective (self.parent.goal))
- The pack follows a path given by the user
- successive clicks with the mouse define a list of points = path.
- The cohesion / separation of the flock depends on the distance to the target.
- Dynamic distances
- Develop behaviour arrive;
- reduce speed according to the goal distance
- Identify a leader, remaining flock just follows the leader.
- the leader is the closest one to the objective
- Develop the alignbehaviour.
Moving characters
10 Março 2023, 15:00 • Luis Manuel Ferreira Fernandes Moniz
Using the
example (you can use another example), implement the steering behaviours to control the flock movement.
Let's do this in phases, in a first step:
- The Guy behaviour should implement the rules of flocking
- complete the ###TODO in Guy class (cohesion, separation, go to objective (self.parent.goal))
- The pack follows a path given by the user
- successive clicks with the mouse define a list of points = path.
- The cohesion / separation of the flock depends on the distance to the target.
- Dynamic distances
- Develop behaviour arrive;
- reduce speed according to the goal distance
- Identify a leader, remaining flock just follows the leader.
- the leader is the closest one to the objective
- Develop the alignbehaviour.
Movement and Navigation
10 Março 2023, 13:00 • Luis Manuel Ferreira Fernandes Moniz
Path planning algorithms; Path optimization; Hierarchical and continuous planning of journeys; Simple movement; Steering Behaviors; Moving avoiding collisions; Prediction of physical effects; Movement in formation; Driving a Vehicle
Construction of navigation algorithms.
3 Março 2023, 16:30 • Luis Manuel Ferreira Fernandes Moniz
Using the HillClimbing program build alternative navigation algorithms for the scenario. The map is covered by a grid of hexagons and the paths are calculated between the midpoints of two hexagons.
- Test the operation of the program.
- Modify the algorithm to only take cost so far of the path under consideration (UCS).
- Extend the algorithm to use a bidirectional strategy (BIDI / UCS)
- Modify the algorithm to use a global perspective (BFS).
Construction of navigation algorithms.
3 Março 2023, 15:00 • Luis Manuel Ferreira Fernandes Moniz
Using the HillClimbing program build alternative navigation algorithms for the scenario. The map is covered by a grid of hexagons and the paths are calculated between the midpoints of two hexagons.
- Test the operation of the program.
- Modify the algorithm to only take cost so far of the path under consideration (UCS).
- Extend the algorithm to use a bidirectional strategy (BIDI / UCS)
- Modify the algorithm to use a global perspective (BFS).