
Construction of navigation algorithms.

11 Março 2022, 16:30 Luis Manuel Ferreira Fernandes Moniz

Using the HillClimbing program build alternative navigation algorithms for the scenario. The map is covered by a grid of hexagons and the paths are calculated between the midpoints of two hexagons.


  • Test the operation of the program.
  • Modify the algorithm to only take cost so far of the path under consideration (UCS).
  • Extend the algorithm to use a bidirectional strategy (BIDI / UCS)
  • Modify the algorithm to use a global perspective (BFS).

Construction of navigation algorithms.

11 Março 2022, 15:00 Luis Manuel Ferreira Fernandes Moniz

Using the HillClimbing program build alternative navigation algorithms for the scenario. The map is covered by a grid of hexagons and the paths are calculated between the midpoints of two hexagons.


  • Test the operation of the program.
  • Modify the algorithm to only take cost so far of the path under consideration (UCS).
  • Extend the algorithm to use a bidirectional strategy (BIDI / UCS)
  • Modify the algorithm to use a global perspective (BFS).

Movement and Navigation

11 Março 2022, 13:00 Luis Manuel Ferreira Fernandes Moniz

Path  planning algorithms; Path optimization; Hierarchical and continuous  planning of journeys; Simple movement; Steering Behaviors; Moving avoiding collisions; Prediction of physical effects; Movement in formation; Driving a Vehicle

Representation of scenarios using regular grids.

4 Março 2022, 16:30 Luis Manuel Ferreira Fernandes Moniz

Using the PathFinder program, construct alternative representations for the scenario

The Pathfinder program allows you to automatically build scenarios from a map and use this information to determine the best path between two points. There are three elements on the map:

  • Road: passable at cost 1
  • Grass: passable with cost 2
  • Water: obstacle

The map is covered by a grid of hexagons and the paths are calculated between two hexagons.

  1. Test the operation of the program.
  2. Modify the map (can use Paint/Gimp) to include new obstacles.
  3. Use different grids: squares and circles. In these cases, remember to conveniently redefine the functions neighbour, hex_to_pix, and pix_to_hex .

Representation of scenarios using regular grids.

4 Março 2022, 15:00 Luis Manuel Ferreira Fernandes Moniz

Using the PathFinder program, construct alternative representations for the scenario

The Pathfinder program allows you to automatically build scenarios from a map and use this information to determine the best path between two points. There are three elements on the map:

  • Road: passable at cost 1
  • Grass: passable with cost 2
  • Water: obstacle

The map is covered by a grid of hexagons and the paths are calculated between two hexagons.

  1. Test the operation of the program.
  2. Modify the map (can use Paint/Gimp) to include new obstacles.
  3. Use different grids: squares and circles. In these cases, remember to conveniently redefine the functions neighbour, hex_to_pix, and pix_to_hex .