
Lecture 3: Antigen presentation MHCI and II and vaccine development

9 Março 2020, 17:00 Elsa Anes

Antigen presentation MHCI and II and vaccine development 
Antigen presenting cells. 

Dendritic cells the professional APC
The Major histocompability system type I and II
Endogenous and exogenous antigens. 
Cross presentation.
Co-receptors: the three signals for T cell activation
Th1 and Th2 lymphocytes. 
CD4 sub-sets
Antibodies: opsonization and neutralizing
What is a vaccine

Lecture 2: Epidemiology in infectious diseases

2 Março 2020, 17:00 Elsa Anes

 Epidemiology in infectious diseases

Concepts of epidemiology 

Importance of the epidemiology infectious diseases 

Disease transmission dynamic 

Prevention and control of infectious diseases 

Lecture 1: Microorganisms in heath and in disease. Virulence mechanisms.

17 Fevereiro 2020, 17:00 Elsa Anes

Microorganisms in heath and in disease  
Evolution is determined by the interactions between living beings

The tree of life

Symbiosis relationships

Microorganisms and species co-evolution

Microbiota in heath and in disease

What makes a pathogen?

Koch (molecular) postulates

Virulence mechanisms

Extracellular pathogens: toxin producers and multifactorial

Intracellular pathogens: Invasive vs evasive

Fundamentals on Cellular Biology of the Infection

Timeline of the lectures, the logic, and the evaluations