
A Scientific Revolution?

16 Dezembro 2022, 15:00 Francisco Malta Romeiras

Early Modern Science v. The Scientific Revolution.

Natural history and medicine.
The Academy of the Lynx and the Microscope.
A Scientific Revolution?

From Natural Philosophy to Chronology and Alchemy: The Life and Works of Newton

12 Dezembro 2022, 21:00 Francisco Malta Romeiras

Discussion of Newton's "An Account of the Systeme of the World described in Mr Newton's Mathematicall Principles of Philosophy".

From Natural Philosophy to Chronology and Alchemy: The Life and Works of Newton

12 Dezembro 2022, 19:00 Francisco Malta Romeiras

Newton's early life and education.

Newton at Trinity College.
The Great Plague of 1666.
Newton's annus mirabilis.
The controversies with Hooke, Boyle and Leibniz.
Newton at the Royal Mint and the Royal Society.
Mathematics, Natural Philosophy, and Optics.
The laws of motion.
The 1st and 2nd editions of the Principia.
The history of Newton's papers.
Newton's other writings: Chronology, Alchemy, and Theology.

Galileo’s New Sciences. Kepler and the Harmony of the Cosmos

5 Dezembro 2022, 21:00 Francisco Malta Romeiras

Kepler and the Harmony of the Cosmos.

Kepler and Tycho Brahe.
Kepler and the Sidereus nuncius.
The Astronomia nova.

Galileo’s New Sciences. Kepler and the Harmony of the Cosmos

5 Dezembro 2022, 19:00 Francisco Malta Romeiras

Galileo at Arcetri (1633–1642).

The law of free fall.
The Two New Sciences.
Giovanni Battista Riccioli and the Almagestum novum.
The rehabilitation of Galileo.