
Comets and supernovas: Tycho Brahe and Uraniburg. The Vitality of Aristotelianism

14 Novembro 2022, 19:00 Francisco Malta Romeiras

The life and works of Tycho Brahe.

The supernova of 1572 and the publication of De nova stella (1573).
The comet of 1577 and Tycho's geoheliocentric model: De mundi aetheri recentioribus phaenomenis (1588).
Science and Patronage at Uraniburg: Alchemy, Medicine and Astronomy.
Tycho's instruments: Astronomiae instaurate mechanice (1598).
A new catalogue of stars and a new lunar theory.

Innovating in a traditional framework: Enter Copernicus

7 Novembro 2022, 21:00 Francisco Malta Romeiras

Discussion of De revolutionibus's paratexts. 

Innovating in a traditional framework: Enter Copernicus

7 Novembro 2022, 19:00 Francisco Malta Romeiras

1. Introduction

2. The Commentariolus
3. The printing of De revolutionibus
4. The structure of De revolutionibus
5. The reception of Copernicus's book
6. The islamic legacy
7. A Copernican Revolution?