
The Galileo Affair

28 Novembro 2022, 21:00 Francisco Malta Romeiras

Discussion of the "Letter to Christina of Lorraine" (1615) and the Preface of the Dialogo sopra i due massimi sistemi (1632).

The Galileo Affair

28 Novembro 2022, 19:00 Francisco Malta Romeiras

Science and Patronage in Rome, Florence and Venice.

The Morandi Affair and Campanella.
The League of Pigeons.
Cremonini and the Telescope.
The Condemnation of Copernicus in 1616.
Galileo and Bellarmine: The Precept of the Inquisition and Bellarmine's Certificate.
Galileo and Urban VIII in Rome.
The Dialogo sopra i due massimi sistemi (1632).
Galileo and the Roman Inquisition.

Searching the Skies: Galileo and the Sidereal Messenger

21 Novembro 2022, 21:00 Francisco Malta Romeiras

Discussion of the Sidereus nuncius.

Searching the Skies: Galileo and the Sidereal Messenger

21 Novembro 2022, 19:00 Francisco Malta Romeiras

Galileo's childhood and youth.

The influence of Orlando Furioso and Il cortegiano.
Galileo in Pisa and Padua (1592–1609).
Galileo vs. Cremonini.
The telescope.
The Sidereus nuncius.
Galileo in Florence.
Galileo and Kepler.
Galileo, Bellarmine and the Jesuit mathematicians.
The phases of Venus and Saturn's appearance.
The Academy of the Lynx.
The disputes over sunspots and comets.

Comets and supernovas: Tycho Brahe and Uraniburg. The Vitality of Aristotelianism

14 Novembro 2022, 21:00 Francisco Malta Romeiras

Aristotelianism and Scholastics in the Middle Ages.

The Vitality of Aristotelianism in the Renaissance.
The Scholastic Defense of the Earth’s Centrality and Immobility.