
Advanced Topics in Software Verification

16 Dezembro 2016, 18:30 Antónia Lopes

Advanced Topics in Software Verification

Advanced Topics in Software Verification

16 Dezembro 2016, 16:30 Antónia Lopes

Students organized in groups of two choose a topic related to software verification and prepared an essay about it. The following topics were covered this year:

Facebook infer: A static analysis tool


JavaPathFinder: a execution environment for verification of Java bytecode

Model Checking

9 Dezembro 2016, 18:30 Antónia Lopes

Exercises about model-checking with Spin from Problem Set 6.

Model-checking IV

9 Dezembro 2016, 16:30 Antónia Lopes

  • Explicit-state model checking of LTL properties
    • Buchi automata
    • From LTL to Buchi automata
    • Reduction to an emptiness problem
  • How to control the state-explosion problem in SPIN
    • Storage of states
    • State Compression 
    • State representation
    • Partial order reduction

Model Checking

2 Dezembro 2016, 18:30 Antónia Lopes

Exercises about model-checking with Spin from Problem Set 6.