Extended Static Checking
11 Novembro 2016, 16:30 • Antónia Lopes
- History, static analysis versus runtime verification
- Soundness and completness
- Architecture of Esc/Java2
- The Bag tutorial
- Limitations that we need to be aware of
- Tracing a warning in the source code
- Counterexamples
- Exceptions
Model-based specifications in JML
4 Novembro 2016, 18:30 • Antónia Lopes
Exercises about Model-based specifications in JML from Problem Set 4.
Type Specifications II
4 Novembro 2016, 16:30 • Antónia Lopes
- Behavioural subtyping
- Model-based Specifications in JML
- Property-based, algebraic specifications
28 Outubro 2016, 18:30 • Antónia Lopes
More about SAT and SMT (aula lecionada pelo Prof. João Marques da Silva).