
Model-checking III

2 Dezembro 2016, 16:30 Antónia Lopes

  • Specification of properties
    • Linear Temporal Logic
    • Specification in SPIN

Model Checking

25 Novembro 2016, 18:30 Antónia Lopes

Exercises about model-checking with Spin from Problem Set 6.

Model-checking II

25 Novembro 2016, 16:30 Antónia Lopes

  • Modelling concurrent systems with Promela
    • Shared memory
    • Synchronous communication
    • Asynchronous communication with reliable and lossy channels
    • Semaphores 

Model Checking

18 Novembro 2016, 18:30 Antónia Lopes

Exercises about Model-checking and Spin from Problem Set 6. 

Model Checking I

18 Novembro 2016, 16:30 Antónia Lopes

  • Introduction
  • Reactive vs Transformational Systems
  • Modelling
    • Transition Systems
    • Interleaving model
    • Linear and branching semantic